STOCK certified brand influence

Simple, trustworthy, and top ranked!

service fee:: 540 USD/year

Customer ServiceCustomer Service


  • Introduction to STOCK certification services
  • STOCK certification servicestock certification service is a certification service provided by CIC Electronics Network for companies with a certain scale, high reputation, good reputation, and operating spot inventory in the industry. The logo represents "in stock" meaning. The value of this certification lies in promoting the company's comprehensive strength and spot inventory information.

    Service advantages

    Unique logo

    •   Enjoy authoritative certification logo icons on all search result pages, and establish a positive brand image of spot inventory, good reputation, and high visibility.

    Priority inventory display privileges

    •   Enjoy the priority display privilege of 2,000 certified inventory items, which is a marketing tool for distributors’ superior products; spot inventory information is prioritized in the IC/component search results page

    Inventory advantage

    •   Can release 5,000 pcs in stock;

    •   CIC Electronic Network’s strict review and management rules guide the continuous development of enterprises.